About the Program
In 2014, the Office of Undergraduate Education created the Undergraduate Success Scholars (USS) program to provide formal guided pathways for students. The program structure addresses the needs of students by building upon each academic year in a manner that facilitates achievement of academic goals and personal development. The USS program team continuously assesses the skills and academic progress of participants in order to make informed decisions about referrals to campus resources. Each year, Undergraduate Success Scholars create personalized success plans, receive mentorship, participate in cultural experiences and contribute to the campus and external community through service.
Join the Program
All first-time-in-college admits who did not receive a merit-based scholarship and are from a high school that meets one of the following criteria: has historical low enrollment at UT Dallas or has historical student retention rates of less than 70% or more than 50% of students who earn first-year cumulative GPAs of less than 3.0 at UT Dallas. Students who meet these criteria can accept or decline their invitation to join.
Any continuing student can participate in the Undergraduate Success Scholars (USS) program. To opt in, please email uss@utdallas.edu.
Undergraduate Success Scholar Ralph Aguila created this video to depict what the program means to some of our students.